@extends('frontend.layouts.app') @section('meta_title'){{ $shop->meta_title }}@stop @section('meta_description'){{ $shop->meta_description }}@stop @section('meta') @endsection @section('content') @php $total = 0; $rating = 0; foreach ($shop->user->products as $key => $seller_product) { $total += $seller_product->reviews->count(); $rating += $seller_product->reviews->sum('rating'); } $featuredProduct = \App\Product::where('seller_id', $shop->user->id)->where('published', 1)->where('featured', 1)->orderByRaw('RAND()')->get(); @endphp
{{ $shop->name }}

Khadi Mask

Khadi face mask come with three layer protection and trendy designs.

₹35 / peice

Khadi Cotton Mask

National Flag

Celebrate the patriotic fervour with the genuine Khadi Cotton and Silk National Flag.

Khadi Cotton Shirting Fabric

Khadi for India, Khadi for all - with this vision, Khadi India brings to you a range of handcrafted cotton fabric in attractive solid colors.

Khadi Cotton Baby Wear

Let your infants snuggle into the comfort of natural, eco-friendly Khadi, the national fabric of India.
