@if($shipping_service == 'other')
@error('logistic_name') {{ $message }} @enderror
@error('track_url') {{ $message }} @enderror
@error('awb_number') {{ $message }} @enderror
@endif @if(in_array($shipping_service, ['Xpressbees','Ecom Express', 'Pickrr','ShipRocket','Nimbus'],true))
Actual Weight is exactly what the product weight including packaging
Package length can be centimeters only
Breadth can be width of the package in centimeters only
Height of the package should be in centimeters only
@endif @if($shipping_service == "Xpressbees")
The weight unit must be in “kg”s only inner side of Weight object
The weight unit must be in “kg”s only inner side of Weight object
The weight unit must be in “kg”s only inner side of Weight object
@endif @if(in_array($shipping_service, ['Xpressbees','Ecom Express', 'Pickrr','ShipRocket','Nimbus'],true))
Select true in case shipment package contains any item that is restricted for air travel as per DGCA guidelines Otherwise select false
Select Yes in case shipment package contains essential items Otherwise select No
Type of packaging either Box or Flier
Mandetory if package amount is INR 50,000/ or above
No. of items containing package