{{ translate('General')}}
@if ($product->subsubcategory != null)
{{ $product->category->name.'>'.$product->subcategory->name.'>'.$product->subsubcategory->name }}
{{ $product->category->name.'>'.$product->subcategory->name }}
Special characters are not allowed (min char:2, max char:4)
@php $pos_addon = \App\Addon::where('unique_identifier', 'pos_system')->first(); @endphp @if ($pos_addon != null && $pos_addon->activated == 1)
@endif @php $refund_request_addon = \App\Addon::where('unique_identifier', 'refund_request')->first(); @endphp @if ($refund_request_addon != null && $refund_request_addon->activated == 1)
Weight of the package should be in grams only
Height of the package should be in centemeters only
Width of the package should be in centemeters only
Length of the package should be in centemeters only
{{ translate('Images')}}
@if ($product->photos != null) @foreach (json_decode($product->photos) as $key => $photo)
@endforeach @endif
@if ($product->thumbnail_img != null)
{{ translate('Videos')}}
{{ translate('Meta Tags')}}
@if ($product->meta_img != null)
{{ translate('Customer Choice')}}

{{ translate('Choose the attributes of this product and then input values of each attribute') }}

@foreach (json_decode($product->choice_options) as $key => $choice_option)
{{ translate('Price')}}
@if (\App\BusinessSetting::where('type', 'shipping_type')->first()->value == 'product_wise_shipping')
{{ translate('Shipping')}}
{{ translate('Description')}}
{{ translate('PDF Specification')}}