@extends('frontend.layouts.app') @section('content') @if(!empty(@$web_imagePath)) @endif @if(!empty(@$web_imagePath)) @endif {{ translate('Shop Informations')}} {{ translate('Home')}} {{ translate('Dashboard')}} {{ translate('Create Shop')}} @csrf @if (!Auth::check()) {{ translate('User Info')}} @error('name') {{ $message }} @enderror @error('mobile') {{ $message }} @enderror @error('email') {{ $message }} @enderror @endif {{ translate('Basic Info')}} {{ translate('Shop/Company Name')}} * {{ translate('Are you affiliated / licensed with KVIC/KVIB, PMEGP/REGP, SFURTI')}} * Select Option Yes No @forelse(\App\SellerRegistrationOption::whereNotNull('vendor_type')->get() as $key => $option) {{$option->vendor_type}} @empty @endforelse {{ translate('Certificate Number') }} * {{ translate('Validity Date')}} * {{ translate('Please upload KVIC/KVIB/PMEGP/REGP/SFURTI Certificate (Whichever is applicable)')}} * {{ translate('Type of products category you are into')}} * @forelse(\App\SellerRegistrationOption::all() as $key => $option) {{$option->category}} @empty @endforelse Registration No * Company PAN * GST No Bank Account Name * Bank Account No * IFSC Code* {{ translate('Address')}} * {{ translate('Country')}} * @foreach (\App\Country::where('status', 1)->get() as $key => $country) {{ $country->name }} @endforeach {{ translate('State')}} * {{ translate('City')}} * {{ translate('Postal code')}} * @if(\App\BusinessSetting::where('type', 'google_recaptcha')->first()->value == 1) @endif {{ translate('Save')}} @endsection @section('script') @endsection